
  • 11 Lessons

    Safer together 1 – Introduction to culture, race and bias in midwifery care

    Successive annual UK MBRACCE reports have identified disproportionate morbidity and mortality rates amongst Black, Asian and ethnically diverse women in the UK, this situation is reflected in many other countries across the world. In response to these ongoing maternal health inequalities, All4Maternity has commissioned a committee of women representative of this beneficiary group to develop this essential course, which promotes understanding of how to improve maternity care for women and families from marginalised ethnic communities. This essential course is solution-focussed and designed to support learners to explore strategies they can use to improve the pregnancy outcomes of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse women and families. Last updated 2024.

  • 12 Lessons

    Safer together 2 – Introduction to culture, race and bias in midwifery care

    Successive annual UK MBRACCE reports have identified disproportionate morbidity and mortality rates amongst Black, Asian and ethnically diverse women in the UK, this situation is reflected in many other countries across the world. In response to these ongoing maternal health inequalities, All4Maternity has commissioned a committee of women representative of this beneficiary group to develop this essential course, which promotes understanding of how to improve maternity care for women and families from marginalised ethnic communities. This essential course is solution-focussed and designed to support learners to explore strategies they can use to improve the pregnancy outcomes of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse women and families. This is the second course in the series of two.

  • 6 Lessons

    The three year delivery plan; listening to and working with families

    The Better Births report (NHS, 2016) emphasises collaboration with service users, indicating that involving women, families, and birthing people in the maternity services leads to safer, more personalised, and effective care (Sandall et al, 2016). While this approach is applicable worldwide, not all healthcare systems enable active user feedback in maternity care. Feedback and involvement can occur during perinatal care meetings like clinics, home visits, specialist listening services or groups. The mini course showcases a UK example, the maternity voices partnerships, illustrating how service users contribute to creating a safe and quality maternity service. New Course 2023.