
  • 6 Lessons

    Compassionate maternity care

    This mini course will help you to understand what compassion is and the vital role it plays in high quality maternity care. You will be introduced to some definitions and theories of compassion. You will learn about the process of compassion and think about how this applies to maternity care. Most importantly, you will be encouraged to think about how this relates to your own practice and reflect on how compassion is key to the care you provide, the people you work with and yourself. Last updated 2023. 

  • 6 Lessons

    Healthy workplace cultures; everyone’s responsibility

    In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, organisational culture stands as a cornerstone that profoundly influences the delivery of care, experiences of women and families, and the well-being of healthcare professionals. With its complex nature, healthcare organisations encompasses many differing cultures and norms, varied by global region and context. This mini course focuses on the definition of organisational culture, explains the impact culture has on health and maternity care and most importantly offers ways in which midwives and healthcare practitioners can take action to improve organisational culture. New Course 2023. 

  • 6 Lessons

    Massage in pregnancy

    In this mini course, we will explore the benefits that massage offers during pregnancy and childbirth. From reducing physical discomfort to enhancing emotional well-being, massage proves to be a holistic approach that supports women and birthing people in their journey to motherhood. Learn about the therapeutic advantages, develop your practice toolbox, and consider teaching families about massage to help support a healthy, relaxing pregnancy experience. Last updated 2023.

  • 6 Lessons

    Physiological adaptations in the postnatal period

    It's vitally important that midwives understand the complex adaptations to the maternal body during the postnatal period. This course will assist you in supporting women through this transformative period, focusing on both physical recovery and mental well-being. Recap the physiological changes in the body and the spectrum of emotions, including the common "baby blues" and more severe postnatal depression. You'll learn about the hormonal fluctuations, musculoskeletal adjustments, and cardiovascular adaptations that occur after childbirth, as well as strategies for promoting self-care and fostering a supportive environment. This course will equip you with the knowledge to provide comprehensive care and holistic support of postpartum women. New Course 2024.
  • 6 Lessons

    The three year delivery plan; listening to and working with families

    The Better Births report (NHS, 2016) emphasises collaboration with service users, indicating that involving women, families, and birthing people in the maternity services leads to safer, more personalised, and effective care (Sandall et al, 2016). While this approach is applicable worldwide, not all healthcare systems enable active user feedback in maternity care. Feedback and involvement can occur during perinatal care meetings like clinics, home visits, specialist listening services or groups. The mini course showcases a UK example, the maternity voices partnerships, illustrating how service users contribute to creating a safe and quality maternity service. New Course 2023.