Birth trauma; understanding the impact and transforming the experience for women, families, and midwives webinar series course

This course has been set up as a guide to help you navigate the carefully designed webinar series resources including programme handbook, series eBook, Zoom links to the live webinar sessions, provide access to all webinar recordings, links to additional wider reading and resources, final knowledge check and certification.

All4Maternity · March 12, 2024


A webinar series examining the emotional and psychological impact of traumatic childbirth experiences on women, families, and midwives. We consider the factors contributing to birth trauma and the unique role of midwives in providing compassionate care whilst experiencing emotional distress themselves. The series explores research, to understand why supportive workplaces are critical and how service pathways can care, support and empower midwives to enable advocacy and positive care environments for women and families.

This webinar series is led by expert guest speakers: Professor Gill Thompson (UK), Dr Hazel Keedle (AUS) and Perinatal Specialist Leah Lewin.

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Webinar 1 – Understanding Birth Trauma: Impact on Women, Families, and Midwives (10:00-12:00 GMT)

– Introduction to Birth Trauma: Understanding what birth trauma is, the prevalence of birth trauma and exploring the emotional and psychological impact. Models of care and trauma: exploring quantitative and qualitative data
– Consequences for health professionals and service Support: Secondary traumatic stress, PTSD, compassion fatigue, and professional burnout
– Factors contributing to traumatic birth experiences: fear, interventions, and complications
– Insights from Research: prioritisation of service agenda, disregard for  knowledge and impact on families. Use of coercive tactics, and violative actions
– Learning from Traumatic Experiences: Enhancing practice and Improving birth experiences through the role of birth trauma inquiries

Tuesday 11th June 2024

Webinar 2 – Creating Safe Birth Environments: Supporting Women Through Compassionate Care (10:00-12:00 GMT)

– Developing skills in culturally competent care – intergenerational trauma and obstetric racism
– Promoting Positive Communication and Interaction: Building Confidence and Boundaries, tools for advocacy, enhancing professional confidence and competence
– The Role of maternity professionals in birth trauma: Compassion, empathy and respect, and strategies to reduce interpersonal birth trauma in professional practice
– Understanding debrief from the woman’s perspective

Webinar resources

– Programme Handbook
– Series eBook
– Access to a private group on the All4Maternity HUB, for peer support and education support with the All4Maternity team
– Series webinar certification

Who should attend?

This webinar is a must for:

– All maternity care professionals; Midwives, Clinicians, Medics
– Neonatal practitioners
– Educators
– Students and Maternity support workers

Course materials will be added prior to the webinar series start date and throughout the duration of the webinar series.

About Instructor

+46 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons


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