Communication part 2: Effective communication for safe and quality care

Welcome to this course, designed for midwives who have been educated outside of the UK and either wish to come and work in the UK or are already working here in the UK. Within this course, we have created a number of areas to support your English language development and support you with tools for effective communication for safe and quality midwifery care

Updated 2024

All4Maternity · March 15, 2024


Welcome to the module on Effective Communication for Safe and Quality Maternity Care. Effective communication is essential, to ensure that we are providing exceptional care to women and their families. In maternity care, clear and compassionate communication is not only essential for building trust between healthcare providers and their clients but also for ensuring the safety and wellbeing for women and their families.

In this course, we will examine various aspects of communication, including active listening, culturally sensitive communication, respect and dignity and the use of clear and plain language. We will explore supportive evidence to promote communication amongst perinatal care providers and families, to support the delivery of safe, quality and comprehensive maternity care.


Communication, safety, quality care, language, teamwork, families.

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 1 – General Competencies

Lancet Series – Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care.

About Instructor

+4 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate