Emotion work; the moment is here…now

As human beings, our interactions with each other encompasses physical, mental, spiritual and emotional connections that varies depending on the nature of that interaction. In midwifery, much of our work is on the emotional level, whether is managing our own emotions in clinical situations or through supporting women, people and their partners through their own changing emotions. However, this ‘emotion work’ is an undervalued and often hidden aspect of our work, with much more attention given to the physical acts of ‘doing’ clinical tasks. This study sheet uses a Maternity Voices reflection from The Practising Midwife to shine a light on the value of positive ‘emotion work’ that makes an extraordinary difference for women’s experiences of care and their transition to motherhood.

All4Maternity · January 16, 2024


As human beings, our interactions with each other encompasses physical, mental, spiritual and emotional connections that varies depending on the nature of that interaction. In midwifery, much of our work is on the emotional level, whether is managing our own emotions in clinical situations or through supporting women, people and their partners through their own changing emotions. However, this ‘emotion work’ is an undervalued and often hidden aspect of our work, with much more attention given to the physical acts of ‘doing’ clinical tasks. This study sheet uses a Maternity Voices reflection from The Practising Midwife to shine a light on the value of positive ‘emotion work’ that makes an extraordinary difference for women’s experiences of care and their transition to motherhood.

Learning aims and objectives

The aim of this study sheet is to develop your understanding of the importance of meaningful connections with the women and families cared for. By the end of this article review study sheet you be able to:

– Consider the role and importance of attuning to an individual woman
– Consider and recognise the importance of meaningful ways to connect emotionally to women
– Learn that women take their cues from their midwives, therefore their emotional responses will be guided by our invitation
– Recognise emotion work as a positive component of meaningful midwifery care


emotion work, connections, midwifery care

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 1; General Competencies

Lancet Series; Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care; evidenced based midwifery

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate


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