Essential webinar series for student midwives webinar course

This course has been set up as a guide to help you navigate the carefully designed webinar series resources including programme handbook, series eBook, Zoom links to the live webinar sessions, provide access to all webinar recordings, links to additional wider reading and resources, final knowledge check and certification.

All4Maternity · January 23, 2024


This webinar is for student midwives looking for additional knowledge and skills to support their ongoing journey to becoming a midwife. Our online webinar series is designed to equip students with essential revision of key topics, skills and tools needed for a successful career in midwifery.

What you will learn

Throughout the series, we’ll cover a wide range of topics including skills reviews, revision about pre-existing perinatal conditions, physiology and pathophysiology of obstetric conditions, medicines management support, how to advocate for childbearing women and people and much more. Each webinar will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you excel in your studies and future practice.

Webinar resources:

  • Programme Handbook
  • Series eBook
  • Access to a private group on the All4Maternity HUB, for peer support and education support with the All4Maternity team
  • Access to four test centre quizzes on the HUB to test your knowledge
  • Series webinar certification

Who should attend?

This webinar is a must for:

  • All health care students
  • Student midwives
  • Future maternity and nursing care professionals.

Course materials will be added prior to the webinar series start date and throughout the duration of the webinar series.

About Instructor

+8 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 14 Lessons
  • Course Certificate