Examination of the newborn: professional practice webinar series course

This course has been set up as a guide to help you navigate the carefully designed webinar series resources including programme handbook, series eBook, Zoom links to the live webinar sessions, provide access to all webinar recordings, links to additional wider reading and resources, final knowledge check and certification.

All4Maternity · February 11, 2024


Led by experienced clinicians, specialists, and educators, this webinar series will provide insights into the most recent advancements in neonatal screening assessments while offering actionable recommendations to elevate your practice in the Examination of the Newborn. You’ll acquire comprehensive Examination of the Newborn screening skills, covering eye inspections, heart assessments, hip examinations, and testicular evaluations. Through compelling case studies using real-world scenarios, we’ll improve your confidence and sharpen your decision-making abilities.

Webinar Dates

Thursday 18th April 2024, 25th April 2024, 2nd May 2024, 9th May 2024, 16th May 2024 (16:30-18:00 GMT)

Webinar Content

Practice-topics will include:

– Screening assessment updates, research and recommendations
– Skills for sustaining quality learning in practice
– Review and update on core Examination of the Newborn screening skills, including eyes, testes, heart and hips
– Examining case studies from practice
– Considering your personal professional development

Webinar resources

– Funded access to a new NIPE App
– Access to a private group on the All4Maternity HUB, for peer support and engagement with the All4Maternity team
– Access to a private course including the Programme Handbook, Series eBook, Zoom links, and all recordings of the LIVE webinar sessions
– Series webinar certification

Who should attend?

This webinar series is suitable for qualified professionals who oversee, support or conduct the Systematic Examination of the Newborn, including:

– Midwives
– Medics
– Students
– Neonatal Nurse
– Screening leads
– Educators

Course materials will be added prior to the webinar series start date and throughout the duration of the webinar series.

About Instructor

+22 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 11 Lessons


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