Optimal cord clamping

Mounting scientific evidence is clear: the timing of umbilical cord clamping holds immense significance for neonates, optimal cord clamping improves many short and long term outcomes. This course will help you practice in line with the evidence and support women and families make informed decisions about the care of their newborn. This course has been updated in 2023 with collaboration from Amanda Burleigh #waitforwhite, Hannah Tizard #bloodtobaby and resources from Heike Rabe.

All4Maternity · February 13, 2023


Mounting scientific evidence is clear: the timing of umbilical cord clamping holds immense significance for neonates, optimal cord clamping improves many short and long term outcomes. This course will help you practice in line with the evidence and support women and families make informed decisions about the care of their newborn. This new course produced in collaboration with Amanda Burleigh #waitforwhite, Hannah Tizard #bloodtobaby and resources from Heike Rabe.

Learning aims and objectives

The aim of this resource is to equip midwives and midwifery students with the necessary information to educate women and colleagues about the impact of umbilical cord clamping timing on neonatal outcomes in a practice setting.

– Develop an understanding of the adverse outcomes linked to early cord clamping and the benefits associated with delayed/optimal cord clamping
– Acquire knowledge and skills to effectively communicate evidence-based information to parents, enabling them to make informed decisions and advocate for delayed/optimal cord clamping while challenging healthcare professionals who practice early cord clamping
– Develop the ability to address and dispel misconceptions and perceived barriers surrounding delayed/optimal cord clamping
– Expand knowledge regarding the implementation of initial resuscitation techniques while keeping the cord intact
– Improve information-sharing capabilities with parents seeking guidance on stem cell storage and donation, providing them with accurate and relevant information

Keywords and linking topics

delayed cord clamping, optimal cord clamping, immediate cord clamping; early cord clamping, intrapartum care, third stage of labour

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 3; Care during labour and birth

Lancet Series; Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care; promotion of normal processes; prevention of complications

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 10 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate


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