
  • 7 Lessons

    Understanding research 1: considering philosophy

    As midwives, we are expected to use research to ensure our practice is evidence-based. However, engaging with research findings frequently feels challenging as we navigate the nuanced language and methods used to generate midwifery knowledge. Understanding research approaches and perspectives is crucial for our midwifery studies and to inform our every-day work with childbearing women, people and their families.

  • 7 Lessons

    Unpacking research: quality assessing a qualitative systematic review

    In the first study sheet, we introduced this series – ‘Unpacking research’ and focused on a quantitative systematic review to explore critical appraisal skills. This second study sheet focuses on a qualitative systematic review and the skills required to appraise such a review. As a reminder, appraising research means to make an informed assessment of the quality of the research reported. Checking for quality is important before we implement findings into our practice. Do note, quality assessment is a complex area with many differences of opinion so novice assessments should be held as tentative rather than definitive.

  • 7 Lessons

    Unpacking research: Quality assessing a quantitative systematic review

    Research underpins evidence-based midwifery care and practice. However, understanding and appraising research is its own unique skill set which requires ongoing practice to learn. Appraising research means to make an informed assessment of the quality of the research reported. Checking for quality is important before we implement findings into our practice. Do note, quality assessment is a complex area with many differences of opinion so novice assessments should be held as tentative rather than definitive. 

  • 7 Lessons

    Warm compresses for perineal care during birth

    Many women suffer from perineal tearing during childbirth, statistics suggest between 53-79%! While severe tearing, third and fourth-degree tears are quite low, the impact to women can be life-changing; ongoing pain, incontinence, painful sex has detrimental effects on women’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. There are several ways perineal tearing can be reduced, however, the focus of this study sheet is the benefit of warm compresses during the second stage of labour.