Understanding research 1: considering philosophy

As midwives, we are expected to use research to ensure our practice is evidence-based. However, engaging with research findings frequently feels challenging as we navigate the nuanced language and methods used to generate midwifery knowledge. Understanding research approaches and perspectives is crucial for our midwifery studies and to inform our every-day work with childbearing women, people and their families.

All4Maternity · July 31, 2023


This study sheet is the first in a series that aims to unpack and unpick research, with a hope to demystify research to support you to access, critique and utilise research to underpin your midwifery care.

Learning aims and objectives

The focused aim of this study sheet is to consider philosophy, our world view and how this influences our approach to midwifery practice but also researcher’s methods and perspectives. The sheet will support your reflections for your personal and professional development whilst offering a useful lens to review and critique the research you read. By the end of this article review study sheet you be able to:

– Define philosophy and consider how it relates to midwifery knowledge and practice
– Define and discuss various forms of knowledge that inform midwifery care
– Reflect on your own philosophical orientations and how these influence your approach to midwifery practice


evidence based practice, research, philosophy of care

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 1; General Competencies

Lancet Series; Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care; values

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate


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