Unpacking research: Quality assessing a quantitative systematic review

Research underpins evidence-based midwifery care and practice. However, understanding and appraising research is its own unique skill set which requires ongoing practice to learn. Appraising research means to make an informed assessment of the quality of the research reported. Checking for quality is important before we implement findings into our practice. Do note, quality assessment is a complex area with many differences of opinion so novice assessments should be held as tentative rather than definitive. 

All4Maternity · September 4, 2023


Research underpins evidence-based midwifery care and practice. However, understanding and appraising research is its own unique skill set which requires ongoing practice to learn. Appraising research means to make an informed assessment of the quality of the research reported. Checking for quality is important before we implement findings into our practice. Do note, quality assessment is a complex area with many differences of opinion so novice assessments should be held as tentative rather than definitive.

Learning aims and objectives

The aim of this study sheet is to focus on a qualitative systematic review and the skills required to appraise such a review. By the end of this article review study sheet you be able to:

– Be familiar with the key processes of quality appraisal
– Determine the authors assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the research
– Reflect on the study findings and our clinical practice


research, appraisal, skill, assessment

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 1; General Competencies

Lancet Series; Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care; evidenced based midwifery

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate


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