Warm compresses for perineal care during birth

Many women suffer from perineal tearing during childbirth, statistics suggest between 53-79%! While severe tearing, third and fourth-degree tears are quite low, the impact to women can be life-changing; ongoing pain, incontinence, painful sex has detrimental effects on women’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. There are several ways perineal tearing can be reduced, however, the focus of this study sheet is the benefit of warm compresses during the second stage of labour.

All4Maternity · September 4, 2023


Many women suffer from perineal tearing during childbirth, statistics suggest between 53-79%! While severe tearing, third and fourth-degree tears are quite low, the impact to women can be life-changing; ongoing pain, incontinence, painful sex has detrimental effects on women’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. There are several ways perineal tearing can be reduced, however, the focus of this study sheet is the benefit of warm compresses during the second stage of labour.

Learning aims and objectives

The aim of this study sheet is to expand your knowledge and understand the benefits of warm compresses during the second stage of labour. By the end of this article review study sheet you be able to:

– Understand why perineal trauma occurs
– Explore the historical context of the HOOP trial
– Understand the evidence of the benefits of warm compresses during birth
– Understand the evidence of warm compresses during


birth, childbirth, compress, second stage, perineum, tear, laceration

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 1; General Competencies

Lancet Series; Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care; evidenced based midwifery

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate