Writing skills for success and publication; on demand webinar course

This on demand webinar course has been developed following the live webinar event. This allows people to have the opportunity to access access to the recordings of the webinar series flexibly on demand, including links to additional wider reading and resources, final knowledge check and course certification. 

All4Maternity · March 26, 2024


This on demand course provides a comprehensive strategy for elevating success and advancing professional growth. Attendees will acquire actionable advice from our Editor-In-Chief and experienced Midwifery Educators, proficient in essay composition, assessment, and publication. Topics addressed in the sessions encompass various areas to strengthen your writing ability, whether it involves developing an essay, compiling a report, or producing influential publications.

Session 1 – Introduction and Strategies for Academic Balance and Efficiency (1.5hr recording)

– Explore and learn about the resources All4Maternity can offer you!
– Practical strategies to manage time effectively
– Support for balancing your workload with clinical responsibilities
– Ensuring structured and efficient study habits; Pomodoro Timer, Nosily, preparing study space
– Essential resources like library materials, online databases, and academic sources relevant to your studies

Session 2 – Strategies for Meaningful and Effective Writing (1.5hr recording)

– Writing essentials, structuring your assignment and publication piece
– What is a learning outcome and how do I interpret this into my writing?
– Managing your time and using software and tools to support your writing
– AI tools to ensure plagiarism-free learning

Session 3 – Synthesising Literature and Perfecting Citation (1hr recording)

– Effectively synthesise and analyse extensive literature
– Understanding referencing styles, such as APA and Harvard
– Understanding the correct citation methods for academic papers
– Supportive techniques to maintain an updated and accurate reference list Recognising the differing styles and value of peer reviewed journals

Session 4 – Critical Review of Evidence (1hr recording)

– Exploring evidence-based practice in midwifery
– Various evidence types like qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method studies
– Understanding the significance of understanding evidence in informed decision-making. Practical skills to critically evaluate research articles, focusing on methodology, validity, and reliability of evidence

Session 5 – Developing your online presence and identity (1hr recording)

– Using tools like LinkedIn and other professional networks
– Using Social media in a positive manner
– Understanding posting on different platforms
– Developing your bio

Session 6 – Writing for Publication (1.5hr recording)

– Gain insights into tailoring your content to match journal requirements
– Understanding the structure, and adhering to stylistic conventions for articles, essays, and reports
– Develop effective titles, subtitles, sentences, paragraphs, and smooth transitions within your writing
– Essential techniques for editing your work and effectively handling peer review and feedback

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz


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