Service Improvement; working collaboratively with service users

Welcome to this advanced course, designed for midwifery leaders and midwives who are developing their understanding about the role of partnership working with service users in maternity services. Depending on your country and location, this may be something new to you or your maternity organisation. Across the world it is considered gold standard practice, to understand how women and families experience maternity care services and how this feedback can shape and inform improvements to their care and inform all levels of designing, planning and delivering services.

All4Maternity · August 4, 2023


Over the last two decades a significant shift has taken place in the expectations and demands of the public regarding healthcare services. The traditional notion of service users passively accepting health and care advice has rightly developed to include women and families in all aspects of their care. Individuals should be empowered to challenge, question, and actively participate in decisions concerning them. This concept of partnership working has become the cornerstone of modern healthcare practices, with the inclusion of service users and the public in the decision-making process becoming paramount.

To achieve this, maternity leaders and healthcare providers must create ample opportunities for meaningful engagement with both current and recent service users, this is often achieved by independently-lead local working groups, sometimes called maternity voices partnerships (MVP). This engagement encompasses co-designing services, encouraging community development work, actively listening to the concerns and preferences of service users, and involving them in the production of information and design of facilities.

Learning aims and objectives

This resource aims to provide a comprehensive overview of partnership working in maternity. At the end of this module you will be able to:

– Understand the key characteristics of partnership working and benefits of being involved with maternity voice partnership groups
– Understand the worldwide perspective and challenges obstructing the engagement of women and families in the enhancement and shaping of maternity services
– Identify particular methods that facilitate partnership working with the public and maternity service users
– Learn how to involve yourself with partnership working particularly involving service users and further your knowledge by exploring these services within your local area
– Draft a proposal for service improvement to engage and support maternity partnership groups


Maternity voices; partnerships; collaboration; service users; co-production

Curriculum quality standards

ICM Category 1; General Competencies

Lancet Series; Evidence informed framework for maternal and newborn care; organisation of care

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate


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